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School of CSE Seminar Series: Boqing Gong

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Speaker: Boqing Gong, assistant professor at Boston University
Date and Time: Nobember 8, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: Coda 230
Host: Bo Dai

Title: From Domain Adaptation to VideoPrism: A Decade-Long Quest for Out-of-Domain Visual Generalization

Abstract: This talk explores the challenges of out-of-domain (OOD) generalization in computer vision, encompassing tasks like domain adaptation, webly-supervised learning, and long-tailed recognition. I will review some principles and techniques underlying the seemingly diverse tasks and then connect them to the recent development of generalist vision systems, showcasing VideoPrism --- a state-of-the-art generalist video encoding model --- and ongoing research into image and video generation models.

Bio: Boqing Gong is a computer science faculty member at Boston University and a part-time research scientist at Google DeepMind. His research focuses on AI models' generalization and efficiency and the visual analytics of objects, scenes, human activities, and their interactions.