TA Requirements
The College of Computing is looking for bright, motivated students to join the ranks of the world’s best undergraduate teaching assistants. TA positions are available for most 1000- and 2000-level classes, and for select 3000- and 4000-level classes.
General Requirements:
- An undergraduate teaching assistant must be a Georgia Tech degree-seeking student enrolled in six hours or more of credit-bearing coursework taken in residence on the Atlanta campus during the semester they TA.
- CS 4903-UTA (a three-hour course) can be used to reach that six-hour minimum.
- You must live in the USA. Even if a course is remote, you must live in the USA.
- Must be age 16 or older.
Requirements Related to Year:
- Should be a sophomore, junior or senior. First-year students may apply, but are only eligible on an as-needed basis.
- Graduate students who have taken the exact same course at Georgia Tech may also be considered. This program does not offer GTA positions, however, which means it does not offer tuition waivers.
- Dual-enrollment high school students are not eligible.
Other Minimum Requirements
- Must be in good standing.
- Must have earned an A or B in the course at Georgia Tech in order to TA. If you are taking the class now, you may apply to TA next term.
- Must have an overall GPA of at least 2.50.
- Must have CS/ECE GPA of at least 3.00.
- Must have a clean record with the Dean of Students Office. In other words, no history of academic misconduct.
- Cannot have failed CS2081-UTA nor equivalent TA training.
Potential Conflicts that will prevent you from TA-ing
Having another job makes you ineligible to TA during that semester. There are also several other situations that will keep you from TA-ing, so if you have a question please contact Erika Burley at eburley3@gatech.edu
- Cannot co-op, nor have an internship.
- Cannot be a tutor, CS or otherwise.
- Cannot have a paid research job, e.g. no PURA
- Cannot be a Resident Assistant (RA) nor peer leader (PL)
- Cannot be working at the CRC, etc.
- Cannot TA more than one course within COC or otherwise